Since we're on the subject of music, rehearsals just started again for our musical "With Mine Own Hand." For about 20 years (as long as I've been alive) my parents have been working on this project. It started from an idea my dad had for a one man act about Nephi and has, through out the years, been turned into a full-scale musical. Nephi, is the first prophet of The Book of Mormon. The show depicts his life and his family's journey from Jerusalem to their arrival in the Promised Land.
My mother wrote the lyrics for the songs, and her best friend from childhood, Becky Alexander, composed the music. All the words that are spoken, are taken directly from The Book of Mormon. Last April, we hired Jay Richards to be our orchestrator. After 20 years, we finally performed it in a workshop setting last summer, here in Vancouver, WA.
Since then we have recorded a professional orchestra in Salt Lake City, a choir, and all the vocal leads to create a CD. We are now in the process of producing the show again, with about 50% of the same cast from last summer. We will be performing it this summer at Parkrose High School in Portland, OR and then a week later taking the whole thing to BYU's Education Week.
To learn more about the show, listen to music samples, watch a trailer, look at pictures, and check out Bios, visit our website at
I am grateful to be a part of this production. Every time I participate in any way, my testimony is strengthened. As we depict the stories, trials, and life of Nephi and his family my heart is full, and the people of The Book of Mormon move from being just characters to real people - for that is what they are. The Book of Mormon is a true account of actual people who once lived this earth and lived through the same experiences we go through today (love, family, faith, death, sin, forgiveness, war, life). It is all so real, and as I portray the people, my heart is filled with gratitude for them and I gain a stronger testimony of what they lived and worked for - the gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 comment:
Thank you for sharing this with my readers at my site, Hannah! I am very good friends with Becky Alexander. She and I collaborated on my solo recordings. She is a wonderful, warm person, a fabulous pianist, and a treasure beyond price to the Betty-Jean Chipman voice studio!
I am absolutely thrilled to hear that this labor of love is finally coming to life! The website is very cool.
Question: Why is the show premiering in the Northwest area first?!? I couldn't figure out the connection. I have a tender spot in my heart for Portland. My daughter was treated at Emmanuel Children's Hospital for 3 months last year. Our family experienced the life-changing love of amazing Oregonians who became our angels.
I wish you and the entire cast a wonderful journey as you bring to life this beautiful and important story.
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