Thursday, September 25, 2008

BYU - Here I am!

I'm seeing a trend in my posting - it only happens once a month! :) I'll try to be better. But hey! At least I'm consistent! :)

I am finally here at BYU! Yay!! I LOVE it! I am where I am supposed to be. There has only been about 4 weeks of school, but I feel like I've been here forever. I've already learned SO much, I wonder how much more I can learn. Isn't it great?! We are always supposed to be learning and growing. That's the gospel! And it's so wonderful to be in a place with that atmosphere. Here at BYU secular and spiritual learning come together as one. What better way to do it?! It so suits me and I am excited for my future. I'll try to keep you updated!

Speaking of classes I need to go to my American Government and Politics' Midterm review session! Wish me luck! :)


Bri... only she said...

I think you might need a comma after BYU (Amanda, correct me, if I'm wrong) and you definitely need a comma before and in the second to last sentence of your second paragraph... speaking of learning.

...Enough harassing you though. Hannah, your attitude is very inspiring! Your love of learning is evident and contagious. I love it!

Unkn0wn50ul said...

Hannah, you are just awesome! Keep up the good work and I hope to hear from you soon! How did your mid-term go?