I just got back from my Young Single Adult group activity night we call FHE (Family Home Evening). It is where Young Single Adults (ages 18 - 30) get together to learn about the gospel, strengthen our testimonies, make friends, bond, and uplift one another. I
love FHE and the wonderful time I get to spend with my friends. In the church we are encouraged to make friends that uplift us and help us live righteously, and that is what I find when I go. We also continue to have fun outside of our "meetings" and it is a wonderful blessing in my life. Here is a picture of some of the members of our "family."

Today we had a lesson about enthusiasm. The gospel of Jesus Christ gives mankind hope, peace, and joy. This is why LDS people are usually found cheerful. The gospel of Jesus Christ gives us a reason to rejoice. We know our Heavenly Father has a plan for His children, and that He will all ways be there for us. This brings us joy and peace as we go throughout the day. I am grateful for this knowledge and the peace it brings into my life.
After the lesson we then had a crazy UNO tournament! I almost won! ;) Hurray for wholesome fun! There is nothing better!