I can't believe it's been a month since I've written. eeek! I guess the summer will do that to you.
I recently returned home from an amazing experience on the other side of the world. I had the blessed opportunity to travel to South Korea with the Clark College Women's Ensmeble, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, and Concert Band. Over 100 people went on the trip and it only cost me $200, plus I got $160 for food! How thankful I am for this amazing, once in a lifetime experience.
The BEST part of Korea was the people. They are so welcoming, warm and full of honor and love of their country. The university that invited us, Donkook University, provided 10 Korean students to act as our guides for a week. I made a close friend with one of the guides named Jina.
She called me her soul-mate! :) She also wants to marry my brother so she can come live with me. She kept saying the whole time "Jina Zabriskie". I miss her tons, but she is coming to visit in December. I love her to death!
Again I am so grateful for that opportunity! I love people of other cultures. We are sill human beings and are all children of God even when we dress, eat, and act differently. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we welcome and accept all people from all cultures. We know that everyone is a son or daughter of God and that Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the whole world. He loves each and every one of us. I know that when we understand that, friendships, peace, and acceptence between differences is created. I hope and pray I will have more adventures to come in other countries, cultures, and people.