Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today is the day! This is such an amazing opportunity that few people around the world get. This is also an important election year. The Prophets encourages each member to participate in government and vote. I am so grateful because this year I get to vote in my first presidential election; I have learned so much about our government here at BYU; and I am volunteering at the polls today! So go out there and vote!

Friday, October 10, 2008

General Conference

This past weekend was General Conference. This is a special meeting that happens twice every year. This is when the whole church gathers together in their wards, stakes, regions, homes, wherever they can, to listen to the Prophets and Apostles of the Lord speak. The Prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and all the 12 Apostles speak directly to the people, as well as selected members of the Quorum of 70 and other general authorities. I LOVE General Conference! I always have! It is an amazing time to hear the prophets of the Lord, just as they did in old times, speak about issues that are so important for our day and time. I had the opportunity to go to the Conference Center in Salt Lake for the Saturday afternoon session. It was an amazing experience. I sat there and just watched the leaders and my heart filled with love and gratitude for them. We have living prophets and apostles today, just like the saints in Old and New Testament times! Isn't that wonderful! Our Heavenly Father has not left us alone on this earth. He speaks to us through his prophets. And we need them! And this conference demonstrated that even more. Right now we live in such a trying time. And we can't do it alone and by our own power. We need the spirit of the Lord and we need his teachings and direct guidance and comfort. He does this through His prophets. And how grateful I am! "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

BYU - Here I am!

I'm seeing a trend in my posting - it only happens once a month! :) I'll try to be better. But hey! At least I'm consistent! :)

I am finally here at BYU! Yay!! I LOVE it! I am where I am supposed to be. There has only been about 4 weeks of school, but I feel like I've been here forever. I've already learned SO much, I wonder how much more I can learn. Isn't it great?! We are always supposed to be learning and growing. That's the gospel! And it's so wonderful to be in a place with that atmosphere. Here at BYU secular and spiritual learning come together as one. What better way to do it?! It so suits me and I am excited for my future. I'll try to keep you updated!

Speaking of classes I need to go to my American Government and Politics' Midterm review session! Wish me luck! :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BYU - Here I Come!

Well, the time has come! I am leaving for BYU Friday. I started packing today and was overwhelmed. I can't believe I have reached this point in my life. For so long I have worked and dreamed about this intersection in my road of life, that I am in awe that it is finally here. I feel like I am in a dream and am going to wake up any second. I don't think there has been anyone more excited to go to BYU than me! For so many reasons I am beyond the normal capacity of excitement. :)

However, as I was packing I suddenly became melancholy and nervous. I kept thinking to myself "what am I doing?" I couldn't concentrate on my task because I was so brought down. I then pulled out a letter my mom had written me a long time ago when I was on a Youth Trek celebrating the pioneers. She talked about dreams and the meaning they give in life. Near the end of the letter my mother says, "while you walk on your trek...called 'real life', dream of your unborn daughters...That dream will always give you the strength to take the next step." As I read that statement by my inspired mother, I was reminded of why I was going to BYU - to build the kingdom of God. I was going there to educate myself and grow so that I could become the best mother I could possibly be some day. So that I could teach my children the way the Lord would have me teach them and raise them up to serve the Lord and their fellow men.

I now have the courage I prayed from the Lord to have. I thanked my Heavenly Father and quickly got back to work with a smile on my face.

I am grateful for a Heavenly Father who listens to our cries and answers our prayers. I know He is there and loves us more than we can imagine. I am grateful for a mother who is close to the spirit and loves me so very much.

So with my new found courage I say: "Watch out BYU! Here I come!"

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Back!

Hey there!
I can't believe it's been a month since I've written. eeek! I guess the summer will do that to you.

I recently returned home from an amazing experience on the other side of the world. I had the blessed opportunity to travel to South Korea with the Clark College Women's Ensmeble, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, and Concert Band. Over 100 people went on the trip and it only cost me $200, plus I got $160 for food! How thankful I am for this amazing, once in a lifetime experience.

We stayed in Seoul, South Korea at a Youth Hostel. We got 2 free days and performed 3 days. I loved Seoul. It feels just like an American city....except everything is in Korean and everyone is Korean. :) It's a very safe and comfortable city. I loved it!

The BEST part of Korea was the people. They are so welcoming, warm and full of honor and love of their country. The university that invited us, Donkook University, provided 10 Korean students to act as our guides for a week. I made a close friend with one of the guides named Jina.

She called me her soul-mate! :) She also wants to marry my brother so she can come live with me. She kept saying the whole time "Jina Zabriskie". I miss her tons, but she is coming to visit in December. I love her to death!

Again I am so grateful for that opportunity! I love people of other cultures. We are sill human beings and are all children of God even when we dress, eat, and act differently. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we welcome and accept all people from all cultures. We know that everyone is a son or daughter of God and that Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the whole world. He loves each and every one of us. I know that when we understand that, friendships, peace, and acceptence between differences is created. I hope and pray I will have more adventures to come in other countries, cultures, and people.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

With Mine Own Hand

Since we're on the subject of music, rehearsals just started again for our musical "With Mine Own Hand." For about 20 years (as long as I've been alive) my parents have been working on this project. It started from an idea my dad had for a one man act about Nephi and has, through out the years, been turned into a full-scale musical. Nephi, is the first prophet of The Book of Mormon. The show depicts his life and his family's journey from Jerusalem to their arrival in the Promised Land.

My mother wrote the lyrics for the songs, and her best friend from childhood, Becky Alexander, composed the music. All the words that are spoken, are taken directly from The Book of Mormon. Last April, we hired Jay Richards to be our orchestrator. After 20 years, we finally performed it in a workshop setting last summer, here in Vancouver, WA.

Since then we have recorded a professional orchestra in Salt Lake City, a choir, and all the vocal leads to create a CD. We are now in the process of producing the show again, with about 50% of the same cast from last summer. We will be performing it this summer at Parkrose High School in Portland, OR and then a week later taking the whole thing to BYU's Education Week.

To learn more about the show, listen to music samples, watch a trailer, look at pictures, and check out Bios, visit our website at www.nephi-story.com.

I am grateful to be a part of this production. Every time I participate in any way, my testimony is strengthened. As we depict the stories, trials, and life of Nephi and his family my heart is full, and the people of The Book of Mormon move from being just characters to real people - for that is what they are. The Book of Mormon is a true account of actual people who once lived this earth and lived through the same experiences we go through today (love, family, faith, death, sin, forgiveness, war, life). It is all so real, and as I portray the people, my heart is filled with gratitude for them and I gain a stronger testimony of what they lived and worked for - the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Uplifting to the Heart and Soul

I just got home from singing in a concert. It was for Clark College's Concert Chorale, Women's Ensemble, and Skyview High School's Women's Ensemble. I am in Clark's Women's Ensemble, as well as Vocal Jazz Ensemble, and Concert Choir. (I know.. crazy! Lots of music to memorize) Our concert went well. We got some really good comments. I LOVE singing in the groups. My whole family eats, drinks, and sleeps music. I can hardly go anywhere with out singing. I am grateful for Clark's music program and those there who have taught me so much! I grow and am uplifted every time I sing with them, and it's a blast!! These are a few pictures of me singing in the Vocal Jazz Ensemble and performing my solo, "I Get Along Without You Very Well."

Music is important part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We sings hymns at almost every meeting we have. We encourage music, dance, art, etc. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is a well know icon of the church. Music has a powerful way of affecting the soul. Some call it the universal language. I believe that. Music has a way of penetrating all hearts. Have you ever listened to the soundtrack of a movie? You can tell what's going on in the movie, without even watching it - just by listening to the music! Music can affect someones feelings and actions like nothing us. Therefore, there is degrading and depressing music. In the Church we are encouraged to listen to uplifting and wholesome music.

From the Church's website (ww.lds.org) it says: "The hymns of the Church are a key part of worship and invite the Spirit of the Lord. They can be especially helpful in controlling one's thoughts. In contrast, unwholesome, negative music can encourage inappropriate thoughts and behavior. As with other forms of media, Church members are encouraged to be careful in their choice of music."

And from The For the Strength of Youth (a booklet on the standards of the church):

"Music is an important and powerful part of life. It can be an influence for good that helps you draw closer to Heavenly Father. However, it can also be used for wicked purposes. Unworthy music may seem harmless, but it can have evil effects on your mind and spirit.

"Choose carefully the music you listen to. Pay attention to how you feel when you are listening. Don't listen to music that drives away the Spirit, encourages immorality, glorifies violence, uses foul or offensive language, or promotes Satanism or other evil practices"

I am grateful for these guidelines that help me choose appropriate music. By my own free will I choose to listen to good music. I love all sorts (Hymns, Classical, Country, Blue Grass, Soft Rock, etc. My favorite is Musical Theater). I know that when I listen to uplifting and beautiful music, I am happier, more peaceful, and kinder to those around me.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Family. Isn't it About Time?

Saturday I spent a wonderful day with just my family. We had a "junk day" (where you do whatever you feel like doing at the spur of the moment.) So we packed up and were headed towards the Vancouver Farmer's Market. On the way there my mom was looking at the newspaper and noticed that a couple of tall ships were docked in Vancouver that were free to tour. We felt like going there, especially my mom because she has a passion for the sea and tall ships, so we went there first and toured the tall ships. We took turns going on because my older sister is disabled and she couldn't go aboard. Then we decided to go to the Farmer's Market. My dad and I are big BBQ buffs, so we got some BBQ, but my brother and mom aren't that crazy about it, so they got Japaneses. We then really spurged when we bought homemade donuts and kettle corn. After walking around the Farmer's Market, we hit Vancouver Fort. That was my favorite! Just as my mom is passionate about Tall Ships, I'm crazy about history, especially the 1800 time period. Something about it gets me energized. I like to tell people I was born in the wrong time period. We spent a lot of time there touring around and learning more about our history. I could have stayed there forever! Then we went shopping at Costco. That used to be a big thing for our family. We would go to Costco every other week and stock up. We would have dinner and then all shop as a family. I have very fond memories of discussions around the picnic tables and fun times shopping around the big warehouse. :)

We then all came home and took a nice, lovely nap until the evening time. We were all planning on going to Comedy Sportz (an improve comedy club), but my dad's hip was really hurting, so he stayed home with my sister. Grant, my mom, and I went and met up with my Aunt Sue and Uncle Oscar. We had a blast! It was hysterical of course and very fun to do it together! I even got pulled up on stage. Of course on the way home, we hit the ever popular McDonalds for an ice cream cone! :)

It was a WONDERFULLY FANTASTIC day! I give you all the details of the day to show you how the little things a family does is really important (having BBQ with dad, visiting tall ships with mom, singing in the car with my brother, sitting with my sister). In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe families are ordained of God and are part of his plan for us. Families are the most wonderful gift from God. They give us a group of people that we can grow with and work together on returning to our Heavenly Father. Here is a quote from mormon.org about families:

"The family is the fundamental unit of society and the primary setting in which children develop virtue. God has placed families at the center of His eternal plan for the happiness of His children. In a family, children learn about love, trust, loyalty, cooperation, and service. They learn how to behave in a community and develop the attributes of good citizenship. The health of any society lies in the strength of its families. Thus, strengthening families will strengthen communities and nations."

The 1995 The Church issued "A Proclamation to the World" which is a declaration about our belief in families. To read it visit: http://www.lds.org/library/display/0,4945,161-1-11-1,00.html

I am so grateful for my family. They are truly my best friends. I am grateful for my parents who have devoted their life to our family. I am grateful for the strong bond I have with my family. Whatever a person's situation, they too can have a strong family if they just put the effort into it. And believe me it is worth it. Think about it... "Family. Isn't about time?"

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Today was Institute day! Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I go to a scripture study class called "Institute." Institute is for young single adults, but young married couples are invited, and there are classes for older adults as well. We hold Institute on Clark College campus for those attending Clark, but there is also a class once a week in the evening for those who don't go to school or can't attend during the day. I love Institute so much that I sometimes attend both the afternoon and the evening class! One of our Prophets has said, speaking about Institute, “We urge all for whom [Institute] is available to take advantage of it. We do not hesitate to promise that your knowledge of the gospel will be increased, your faith will be strengthened, and you will develop wonderful associations and friendships.” (President Gordon B. Hinkley) I diffidently feel and see that promise come true in my life as I attend Institute. I have met many of my best friends there, and I know that my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ has deepened and my faith has increased! At Institute we study the scriptures and discuss the meaning of them and how we can apply the doctrine in our life today. We have a teacher, Bro. Norton who teaches us from the scriptures, brings up topics, and guides the discussion. Everyone loves Bro. Norton and are very grateful for all his hard work and sincere desire to help us grow and strengthen our testimonies. Institute is the place to be. I love it! And am so grateful for the program, where I can learn and study the word of God along with my friends. So...come with me to Institute!

To learn more about Institute and to see an awesome video, visit: http://institute.lds.org

Monday, April 28, 2008

Family of Freinds

I just got back from my Young Single Adult group activity night we call FHE (Family Home Evening). It is where Young Single Adults (ages 18 - 30) get together to learn about the gospel, strengthen our testimonies, make friends, bond, and uplift one another. I love FHE and the wonderful time I get to spend with my friends. In the church we are encouraged to make friends that uplift us and help us live righteously, and that is what I find when I go. We also continue to have fun outside of our "meetings" and it is a wonderful blessing in my life. Here is a picture of some of the members of our "family."

Today we had a lesson about enthusiasm. The gospel of Jesus Christ gives mankind hope, peace, and joy. This is why LDS people are usually found cheerful. The gospel of Jesus Christ gives us a reason to rejoice. We know our Heavenly Father has a plan for His children, and that He will all ways be there for us. This brings us joy and peace as we go throughout the day. I am grateful for this knowledge and the peace it brings into my life.

After the lesson we then had a crazy UNO tournament! I almost won! ;) Hurray for wholesome fun! There is nothing better!


Hi there! Welcome to my blog. This is my first post to make sure everything is working correctly. Here I will share things and experiences in my life that show my belief in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and my love for the Gospel.